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2024 Whitley County 4-H Fair

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Viewing records 801-850 of 3613
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 2:23 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Holstein Spring Calf: Born March 1, 2024 or later (at least 4 months old)
446 Breece, Aiden 2947 9th Whitley Richland Ramblers
450 Barron, Lane 2968 3rd Whitley Smith Harvesters
528 Kuehnert, Allie 3488 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
554 Pranger, Brooklyn 3743 2nd Whitley Smith Harvesters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Holstein Spring Yearling Heifer: Born March 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023
24 Pritchard, Kansas 347 3rd Whitley Richland Ramblers
317 Egolf, Caroline 2127 2nd Whitley Smith Harvesters
528 Kuehnert, Allie 3496 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Holstein Summer Yearling Heifer: Born June 1, 2023 to August 31, 2023
85 Allender, Peyton 570 2nd Whitley Richland Ramblers
237 Wilson, Riley 1536 1st Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Holstein Winter Calf: Born December 1, 2023 to February 28, 2024
24 Pritchard, Kansas 90 5th Whitley Richland Ramblers
76 Martin, Keana 475 10th Whitley Richland Ramblers
183 Clark, Kendrick 1205 9th Whitley Richland Ramblers
274 Boner, Lilly 1809 7th Whitley Etna Troy Hustlers
318 Egolf, Nora 2133 8th Whitley Smith Harvesters
399 Carter, Hudson 2636 6th Whitley Union Sodbusters
425 Linnemeier, Sage 2809 3rd Whitley Union Sodbusters
445 Gran, Alexander 2938 4th Whitley Columbia Peaches
528 Kuehnert, Allie 3493 2nd Whitley Union Sodbusters
531 Kuehnert, Bryar 3509 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Holstein Winter Yearling Heifer: Born December 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023
528 Kuehnert, Allie 3497 Champion Whitley Union Sodbusters
528 Kuehnert, Allie 3497 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Jersey 4-Year Old Cow: Born September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020
111 Miller, Lorin 729 Champion, Grand Champion Whitley Union Sodbusters
111 Miller, Lorin 729 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Jersey Fall Calf: Born September 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023
110 Knudson, Faith 722 2nd Whitley Union Sodbusters
111 Miller, Lorin 724 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Jersey Fall Yearling Heifer: Born September 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022
110 Knudson, Faith 720 Champion Whitley Union Sodbusters
110 Knudson, Faith 720 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
423 Linnemeier, Carly 2798 2nd Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Jersey Junior 2-Year Old Cow: Born March 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022
110 Knudson, Faith 731 Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Whitley Union Sodbusters
110 Knudson, Faith 731 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Jersey Spring Calf: Born March 1, 2024 or later (at least 4 months old)
110 Knudson, Faith 721 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Jersey Summer Yearling Heifer: Born June 1, 2023 to August 31, 2023
111 Miller, Lorin 727 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Jersey Winter Calf: Born December 1, 2023 to February 28, 2024
110 Knudson, Faith 723 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Jersey Winter Yearling Heifer: Born December 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023
111 Miller, Lorin 726 Reserve Champion Whitley Union Sodbusters
111 Miller, Lorin 726 1st Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy / Milking Shorthorn Fall Calf: Born September 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023
24 Pritchard, Kansas 484 Champion, Grand Champion Whitley Richland Ramblers
24 Pritchard, Kansas 484 1st Whitley Richland Ramblers
Dairy Cattle / Dairy Showmanship / Beginner Showmanship (Grade 4-5)
445 Gran, Alexander 2937 Beginner Showman Whitley Columbia Peaches
Dairy Cattle / Dairy Showmanship / Dairy Showman of Showmen
317 Egolf, Caroline 3997 Showman of Showmen Whitley
Dairy Cattle / Dairy Showmanship / Junior Showmanship (Grade 6-8)
425 Linnemeier, Sage 2797 Junior Showman Whitley Union Sodbusters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy Showmanship / Rookie Showmanship (Grade 3)
318 Egolf, Nora 3871 Rookie Showman Whitley Smith Harvesters
Dairy Cattle / Dairy Showmanship / Senior Showmanship (Grade 9-12)
27 Chordas, Addison 142 Senior Showman Whitley Smith Harvesters
Dairy Goats / Dairy Goat Does / Alpine Doe - 2 years and under 3 years (milking)
16 Green, Hannah 53 Champion Whitley Thorncreek Sons of the Soil
16 Green, Hannah 53 1st Whitley Thorncreek Sons of the Soil
16 Green, Hannah 54 4th Whitley Thorncreek Sons of the Soil
81 Kreider, Kaden 516 Reserve Champion Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
81 Kreider, Kaden 516 2nd Whitley Jefferson Hustlers
207 Weaver, Whitney 1375 5th Whitley Union Sodbusters
421 Nicodemus, Kaci 2772 3rd Whitley Etna Troy Hustlers
Dairy Goats / Dairy Goat Does / Alpine Doe - 3 years and under 5 years (milking)
421 Nicodemus, Kaci 2773 1st Whitley Etna Troy Hustlers